Monday, May 4, 2020

Virtual Teaching

Teaching in the field is something that I really missed this semester. I believe that I had really good lessons that the students in the class would enjoy and learn from. Virtual teaching was something that took a couple tries to get used to. The first one was a bit awkward as we were seeing how things were going to play out. By my second virtual teaching, I felt a lot more confident. Receiving feedback from peers as well as Dr. Kelly was extremely beneficial when planning for my next lesson to teach. As my lessons progressed, so did the amount of interactive activities and differentiation I included. I really made sure my lessons were made specifically for the students I had in class. Before actually teaching and being assessed, I would practice my lesson with my favorite stuffed animals. This helped me with the flow of the lesson. Sometimes I would notice that I could explain something better or show a better demonstration of how to do something. One of my favorite lessons I taught was my WG math lesson on place value. This is something my CT was working on with her students and something that they needed extra support in. I made the lesson engaging and fun for the students. I believe this lesson was my best lesson because I included a lot of opportunities for students to interact with one another and included differentiation for certain students I knew would need more support. Overall, this was a very unexpected and unusual circumstance but I am extremely grateful to have still taught my lessons virtually and practice how I can make changes to these lessons for different students.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Samantha. I truly miss teaching in the field as well, it’s a whole different experience from teaching virtually. I as well felt a little awkward teaching my first virtual lesson! I also felt my whole group math lesson taught virtually was probably one of the best lessons I taught. I can’t wait until we’re back in the field though!
