Saturday, March 7, 2020

Day 6&7: WG Math Lesson & Pajama Day

Rachel Sebastian
Saturday March 7, 2020

Day 6:
On Thursday I taught my WG math lesson, I was nervous to teach this one because it was my first time ever really teaching math. One of the most challenging aspects of this was students today learn differently the way I was taught. I had to reteach myself in a way the lesson I was teaching because I had to teach the students how they were supposed to be learning it. I thought I did a pretty good job at teaching my lesson because most of my students were understanding what I was teaching. Now, I know that when I am in my own classroom, I will have to reteach myself some of the material because the students are learning in new and different ways. I think this will still be difficult for me because everytime I teach a lesson I will be learning something new.

                 Linking Cubes I used in my lesson. (4 red and 2 yellow) Number sentence: 4+2=6

Day 7:
On Friday I had to go to FE because this was a make-up day. This was not an ordinary day for the students because it was Dr.Seuss week and it was pajama day for the students. During this day my CT allowed me to give the spelling test and math test to the students. The students have designated spots when they are testing. During the spelling test, I would have to say the words out loud, say the word in a sentence, and then sound out the word. One of the most challenging aspects for this was making I sounded the word out correctly. It is important to sound out the words correctly because if I don't then they will spell their word wrong. Overall, I thought I did a great job and my CT gave me great feedback when I give the spelling tests.

1 comment:

  1. In Response to Rachel,

    I really like how you noticed that students are learning differently than the way you learning throughout school. I feel like that is an important observation to make, so that you can adjust your teaching style. I also like how you stated that this may not be the only concept that they are learning differently and that their may be other content that you will have to reteach yourself so that you may teach your students how to learn that concept properly.

    Thanks for Sharing,
    Caitlin Miller
