Thursday, March 5, 2020

week 7

Kiley Rolder
March 5th, 2020
This week was my first week teaching and I was a little nervous considering the students have had a sub for a week now. I wasn't sure how they were going to act because they haven't had their normal class schedule since the CT wasn't there. I started my lesson and right away the students were all engaged. It was great to see them all focused and learning. The students were all participating and excited about my lesson. During my lesson I had them read passages and hold up the answer they thought it was this seemed to work really well instead of having one student come to the board and the rest of them sit there everyone was able to participate. I even taught the rest of the day considering my CT wasn't there. It feels like each week i'm becoming more comfortable and taking on more responsibility which I love. The experience I am gaining this semester has been so helpful thus far. I am learning what ways work best for me for regaining students attention and how to approach different topics. I am also becoming more aware of how to handle certain situations such as a student misbehaving and trying to understand why they are acting out if it's a bad day, if something is going on at home, or if they are just having a bad attitude. Forming relationships with the students where they know they can trust me and come talk to me if something is wrong is very important and something we are taught to always be welcoming and try to understand what is going on in your students lives. 

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