Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week 7 Substitute

This week in my field observations my CT was out because of a sickness. The sub that she normally has take over her class was there and the students are very familiar with her. My CT always has her take over her classroom when she is out. When their is a sub in the class the students always behave differently because they know their regular teacher isn't there to manage them. The sub had worksheets for them to complete but I do not believe the students actually learn any content when their teacher is out. The sub they normally have does not go over the directions before telling the students to do the work on their desk. The students always have a million questions and they raise their hand and I come around. The sub does not assist them much with their worksheets but I believe this can be done in a much more beneficial way. By the time I make it around to help everyone, the students are out of time and many of them do not finish their assignments. I believe with something as simple as explaining the worksheet and modeling an example can help them immensely when completing the worksheet. Many of them get off topic and rowdy because they do not understand what is expected of them or how to complete the assignment on their desk. I learn a lot about teaching when my CT is there but I also learn a lot when their are subs because I learn from their actions in the classroom. Not everything we see is a good way to teach and I believe having subs in our classrooms is a good way to learn what to do and what not to do.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard when a sub is there for the day because like you said the students always seem to act out more since they are outside of their normal structure. They still follow the schedule but its more worksheet oriented when the subs are there. I think thats awful that the sub didn't review with the kid of what the worksheet consisted of and then didn't even review with them the worksheet when they were done. It sounds like it was a waste of instructional time. At least you know how your students may behave when the sub is out and now you can leave detailed directions for the sub on how you want him/her to go out the worksheets such as going over the directions.

    Thank you,
    Allison Kraft
