Sunday, March 1, 2020


These past couple of weeks, my CT has been addressing student behavior through a classroom app, called Class Dojo. This app allows the teacher and the guardians of each student to be in contact throughout the day. While this app can be used for messaging parents, my CT mainly uses it for behavior. Each day that I am present, I continue to see how this app works. The students really strive to get green points and are disappointed when they receive red, or negative points. I believe that this behavior strategy really works for some classrooms, this classroom specifically. Since each classroom is made up of different students, they may not all benefit from the same behavioral system.

1 comment:

  1. My CT uses class DoJo all the time too. It is in the board every morning when the students come in to remind them that if they are quiet and calm and get ready for class correctly that they will get points. She makes sure they know when they get points for good behavior. I think this app is really effective for a lot of teachers
