Sunday, April 5, 2020

A Different Schedule

Staying Healthy and Active

Hello fellow Bloggers! This week was a little different from the norm routine we usually have. I know you are all aware of the crisis going on at this time. My semester is still going but now it is all online. We meet on our regular days and still interact in the class. A few of us are struggling to cope with this new change. One of my professors mentioned how we can be more productive and explained the six ways to a healthy lifestyle. Here are the six tips:
  • A daily routine for more productive work 
  •  Social Wellness 
  • Physical fitness
  • Take time to relax
  • Hobbies
  • Sleep

I have now broken-up my schedule into chunks and these six tips are very helpful. As a whole class, we decided to incorporate social interaction. We Zoom every day except weekends and do a fun activity for at least 20 minutes. So far we have taken a walk outside, yoga, we baked, played trivia, learn how to dance the Dabke, etc.

I do miss being in a classroom setting. I was placed in a second-grade classroom for my Field Experience. I had the opportunity to teach a whole group math lesson and a small group literacy lesson. I was able to reflect on my teaching and apply it to my next lesson. I got the chance to really get to know the kids and interact with them. The class invited me to go on their field trip to the Field Museum on April 10th and I was extremely excited to attend that field trip with them. I wish we had the chance to finish our FE, wish we continue getting feedback from our CTs, improve my performance (tone, expression, model, AS, DI, etc..), have the chance to work with high-level and lower-level students, and just be part of the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz,

    How weird is all of these changes now? I like that you have written down and remembered the 6 steps that were given to us. I think those are valid steps that we can do daily to ensure we are still being our best self! I think the zoom activities are very fun and allow for us to still feel like we are getting that face to face interaction with our cohort. I think that its very difficult as we are now unable to work with those different level groups of low and high functioning, it was as if we got a little taste. I will surely miss my kids.

    Thank you for sharing,
