Thursday, April 2, 2020

1st at home lesson

Kiley Rolder
April 2nd, 2020
This week was very different from what we are used to on normal field experience days. This week due to everything going on in the world we taught our lesson from home through zoom. Overall the experience was very nerve wrecking and i was dreading it up until I started teaching. It felt as though once I started my lesson I just imagined my class being there which really helped. I felt like I practiced my lesson so much it made it a lot easier when it came to actually teaching it. I liked having two other students on zoom as well because I feel like the more feedback I get the better i'll be able to make my teaching and my lesson plans.It was challenging having to screen share because on the videos I was going to play in my lesson for some reason they couldn't hear the sound so I played a little bit of the videos and explained what happened in them so they knew. This was my first lesson using smart board as well which made the lesson more interactive and fun I just wish I was able to do the actual lesson with real students because I think it would have been so much fun. I think being in the situation we are in is very unfortunate but every day in the classroom we will have to learn to make adaptions and differentiate our lessons and this is exactly like this we adapted ourselves and made it work just like any good teacher would. 


  1. I think your lesson went really well, hopefully you don't find yourself as nervous for the next one since you know what to expect now! It is a little crazy teaching like this, but I think its better than having to postpone finishing the class or whatever the other option might have been. Im sorry you didn't get to teach your fun lesson to a real class, I understand how you feel about that. My next lesson is going to be a fun one too. My class already knew that it was going to be based on the rainbow fish and they were very excited to find out what the surprise activity was going to be. I was planning to give each student a piece of a big rainbow fish and have them work together and share their pieces to make a beautiful rainbow fish, just like what happened in the book, to reinforce the idea if sharing and working together to make something better. At least we will still have these lessons after all of this and you will probably be able to use yours again with your own students in the future!

  2. Kiley, I think you did a wonderful job teaching your lesson to imaginary students! It was very nerve wrecking, especially because of the fact there are no students. It surely is weird teaching like this. However, it is great that we have two others observing our lessons to receive that constructive feedback we need. I can tell you practiced your lesson. It seemed to flow naturally with you. The videos were acting up a little bit, but in all reality situations like that will arise in real classrooms! Overall I felt like you did a great job. Keep up the good work, we’re almost there!!!

  3. In Response to Kiley,

    It seems like you and I had very similar experiences teaching. Similar to me, I like how you imagined that your actual class was sitting in front of you. I feel like this brought a sense of realness to our lessons. I also like how you stated the benefits that could come from this experience: being able to adapt and stay flexible within our careers.

    Thanks for Sharing,
    Caitlin Miller
