Sunday, April 5, 2020

My First Virtual Lesson

This week I had the opportunity to teach my first virtual lesson and it went really well.  Honestly, I just acted as if I were in the classroom.  I called on each of my students as if they were actually sitting on my living room carpet, I rephrased student answers so that those observing me could better understand the progression of the lesson and I even had a few students answer incorrectly, so that I could address real-world scenarios.  Would I rather be teaching to real students?  Absolutely!  Do virtual classes seem like more work than if we were to just be taking these classes in a traditional sense? 100%.  However, I am so incredibly thankful that we have the opportunity to be so flexible, resulting in our graduation date staying the same.  I also find the field experience videos to be extremely beneficial.  I even incorporated one of the strategies that I had learned through the videos, in my lesson.  I received positive feedback regarding this strategy, so I believe it will be something I use within my future classroom. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay. So. I watched your lesson, and I really think that you did a great job! You are making the best out of a really difficult situation, which is great! Way to stay positive, Caitlin! It is amazing that everything is so flexible right now because these are such hard times! Great job!
