Monday, April 13, 2020

virtual teaching

Teaching this week to an audience of stuffed animals set up in my bedroom was not too bad, to be honest. Last week I taught a whole group math lesson, which was rough because of the manipulatives I used and the need for a projector. This week, I taught a literacy lesson which involved a lot of whole group discussion time and a read-aloud - so it wasn't too bad. 

I found myself giggling at myself a lot more as a I called on bunny rabbit and waited for a response, but I guess that just proves that I was a little more comfortable. I was able to get my "classroom" setup how I needed it, with my easel made on a huge cutting board propped up on an umbrella stroller with a chunk of brown paper taped to it... it served it purpose.

I really rather enjoy "making" my own classroom and materials. In reality, I am not going to be a teacher like the rest of you. I do not plan to have teacher materials like unit cubes and an easel and a smart board and all of that "teacher stuff" that we are missing out on using with this virtual teaching thing. What I take care of kids, a lot of times it is in my own house. I have the basic things that my babies need (pack n plays, strollers, bouncy seat, height char, toys, bibs, etc), but when it comes to different more engaging activities that a daycare center might pull out a "teacher material" for, I have to pull those supplies out of my kitchen cabinet or craft bin. My point is, I am way more comfortable making my own materials and teaching from my own house than I am using fancy teaching materials and teaching in a classroom - which makes sense. This is what I do. Read-aloud in my bedroom? Happens all the time!

In terms of lesson writing and instructional delivery, being at my house doesn't help for that of course. But in terms of comfort, I am content teaching like this.

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