Sunday, April 5, 2020

Virtual school means a world of changes!

Hello everyone! What a time we are going through right? I can say this is something I never thought we would have to experience as everything seemed to happen so abruptly. Virtual class has been a rough transition for me to say the least. I am not a huge fan of online classes as is because I am a very hands on learner so being in the field really was my favorite place. I miss the routine of everything and being able to collaborate with my peers for a more meaningful learning experience. A lot of the learning now is watching videos, which I am grateful to have rather than having to repeat the course work or being pushed behind but there is something to be said by having that interaction in person. I think there is a lot of learning to be lost here and thats not to just speak on myself but for everyone in our nation right now. It's heart breaking to know that most people will be behind in some areas because I do not for see schools going back in session. There is only so much you can learn and teach yourself. I think through this experience, I have really learned the value of social interaction and the toll it can take on you mentally when you are not exposed to it. It's a hard time for almost everyone and a lot of people are out of work, there is a certain weariness to the world right now. I have however been trying to stay positive and keeping myself as busy as I can. My attitude changes from day to day just because of the uncertainty but I think this also is amazing because we as teachers have the opportunity to make a difference in other avenues such as helping those parents in our lives that may not be familiar with early childhood work. I have been asked a lot of questions and it really made an impact on me and brought a sense of worth back to this experience. I taught my first virtual lesson and it was weird to say the least. I felt almost more nervous without the students there because I had to make up the conversation that I think would take place. Overall virtual lesson plan teaching is different because we are making due with the resources we have and its shown me how to get creative. I am excited that we are still progressing through the semester though! I miss my peers and professors oh so much. Hang in there everyone as this is a means to an end and I am looking forward to celebrating with everyone once we make it to the other side.

Here is a quote that I really enjoy, maybe you will too!

"The kids who need the most love will ask for it in the most unloving ways"


  1. I am sorry that the online classes have been a rough transition for you, I agree that this was all very abrupt and very unexpected. I was not even a "what if" and then it happened out of nowhere. This new structure is very video heavy as you mentioned, but I am also thankful that we are still able to do what we need to do in order to get our hours and stay on track. As much as I agree that there is learning being lost, we are also gaining something from this as well - both as a class and as a world. For us, we are learning how to be more creative and resourceful in teaching with what we have, which will help us in the classroom because we likely wont always have the "right" thing for a lesson. We will also come out of this more aware then ever that anything can change in an instant. This will keep us on our toes and much more prepared, which is important in the classroom. As a nation, we are improving as well. There are so many people working from home right now - a lot of people who probably didn't know that they even could. We are learning new family dynamics with everyone being home all the time (if you live with family). I know that there has been less arguing and yelling in my house than normal - even when everyone is home! We are learning that we can definitely eat leftovers for the second night in a row because why go to the store if we don't need to? Maybe some of these things are happening for you as well. Personally I love the changes associated with all of this, not to say that im enjoying the fear of the virus. But I hope you can stay mostly positive for the rest of the time. It is going to be one heck of a semester to look back on!

  2. Hey Allison, I am sorry you’re having a very difficult time during this pandemic. Just know you are not the only one. We are all here for each other and will surely get through this pandemic and this semester. The virtual lesson was very nerve wrecking. You did a wonderful job though! Keep working hard and pushing through!
