Sunday, April 5, 2020

What now

The past couple of weeks have been really different and hard to get used to. My schedule went from working three jobs and going to school full time to working no jobs and having all online classes! The change has been so drastic and it feels like everything in the world is flipped upside down. It has been hard adjusting to not seeing my friends and my family members. Seeing the effects that this virus has had has been really challenging for me and for everyone else I'm sure. During these times I find myself thinking of all students that are realistically getting an entire semester of school taken away from them. I really enjoyed the time that I had in field experience learning from my CT and her amazing students. The class was a really great class and I enjoyed teaching and learning from them during the time I was there. Taking classes online is not the best way for any student to learn as we know. There are many students that learn best through hands-on experiences and learn content by having social interaction. It is unfortunate that this is the way college students and every student has to learn right now. Although these times are terribly rough on me I am extremely grateful to be healthy and to still have the opportunity to learn. Even though things seem to be negative everywhere we look at this time I am trying to remain positive and do little things that make me happy. I enjoy the time that I am spending with my family but it is also nice to take time and do things for myself that will help me not go insane. Focusing on my school work has helped me take my mind of things and focus on what I love which is teaching and learning how to be a great teacher for my future students. The lesson I taught online was extremely awkward and the flow of the lesson was off but I still did my best given the circumstances. While I was writing my lesson plan I thought about how much I would have loved to teach this lesson in the field to the first grade class. It was a really fun lesson that offered them a new way to learn rather than working with worksheets a majority of the time. But, I can always keep this lesson for future reference. I miss my peers and I miss sitting in three hour classes which I never thought could be possible! I am wishing everyone and their families the best and I am sending love and positivity! I am looking forward to the day I get to be in a classroom learning from students again.

1 comment:

  1. That's scary going from working 3 jobs to no jobs. I went from 2 to none. It's so difficult! I can agree though, having so much time to work on our school work has been absolutely amazing! It really is helping us to get our priorities aligned before we student teach in the fall! Great job on your lesson Sam! I thought it was really good!
