Monday, April 13, 2020

Virtual Teaching

This week I taught my math whole group. I was very proud with my work with this lesson. I made it very engaging for my students and felt that my students would have really enjoyed my lesson in the classroom. I am getting used to teaching over zoom and felt like this whole thing has been a great learning experience. I have received such great feedback from Dr. Kelly and classmates and have taken the feedback and made improvements to make the next week lesson even better. I have one more virtual lesson to teach but we are done with our bloggers. I have really enjoyed blogger to see how my classmates are doing in their classrooms.

1 comment:

  1. Teaching math whole group virtually was rough for me. so I am glad that you had a different experience with yours! It is kind of sad finishing a lesson and thinking that your students would have really liked it, like how you said that you thought that yours would have liked it, but at least we will still have these lessons to use in the future.
