Saturday, April 4, 2020

First Virtual Lesson

Nadine Hamideh
Thursday April 2, 2020

This week I taught my science whole group lesson, it was about the life cycle of a sea turtle. I had set objectives and ways to achieve them. I started off by activating prior knowledge and introducing a familiar object to the students being Squirt from Finding Nemo. After that I completed a read aloud, I read the book One Tiny Turtle, and incorporated the three components of reading fluency all throughout really well. I asked thought provoking questions, brought in real life material based on a few things that were mentioned in the book to show the students. I thought that I really did well on this given that I didn’t have any students in front of me and was just reading to my professor and a couple classmates on Zoom. After that I went through my guided practice and actually worked on a creative activity that was supposed to be a group project that the students would do, being sequencing the life cycle of a sea turtle on a sand and water tray. I also had to pretend to work on the activity and make comments back and forth, as well as ask and answer my own questions. Given the circumstances with what’s happening in the world with Covid19, and the stay at home orders, it was truly life changing for me. Going from teaching in a classroom, to teaching online is really different and can be difficult but it is something that will make me and my peers stronger and we will get through this together.


  1. Hi Nadine,

    Your lesson looked awesome and the kids would of loved it! I like how you were able to modify the teaching with materials you had. The activities sounded very hands on and well thought out. This is a very weird time for all of us and I love your positive outlook on this all. Lets get through these next couple of weeks together.

    Thank you for sharing,

  2. Hi Nadine,
    Your lesson looked very interactive and hands-on. I really liked how your students were able to see the life cycle happen, they would have loved this in the classroom. Science materials around the home can be very difficult to find but you seem to make it work! I would have loved to see your lesson.
