Monday, April 27, 2020

Virtual Teaching

I have completed all of my virtual lessons. Let me start by saying, it was an experience to learn from.
My second lesson that I have completed virtually was my Math lesson, and I think it went great. My materials and organization of the lesson played a big role in my success. I used authentic materials within the lesson teaching and thought it really went well and made the lesson come to life. The lesson was about Adding with one and two digit numbers, and I feel that the overall objectives were met. While teaching it on zoom, I acted as the students were actually there and asked and answered thought provoking questions. My tone and expression was also very good as I was able to engage my classmates and professor into the lesson as well. All in all, this was just a stupendous experience. Going from in person classes to online was difficult but something to learn from. It was just an experience to remember and I will truly reflect back on it because it has taught me so much.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Nadine! It’s great to hear that you felt your math lesson taught virtually went great! I felt the same about my virtual math lesson as well. It was very difficult going from face-to-face classes to virtual classes. We did it though!
