Thursday, April 9, 2020

Second online lesson

Kiley Rolder
April 9th, 2020

This was my second week teaching online. It's getting easier to pretend like I have a whole class in front of me which makes teaching easier but it's not something i'm used too yet. This week I taught a math whole group on probability and think it went pretty well. I tried to make it fun and engaging for the students by using things such as sweet tarts and jellybeans. The students could be hands on with their learning counting and sorting the jellybeans on their desk. Having to go back and forth between sharing the screen is something that is challenging for me because the sound doesn't work for the videos I played so I had to just explain them which was different. I think that there are something I would change if I were to teach this lesson again but overall I think it was a fun lesson to teach. Having to ask a question, call on students, and then give the answer yourself as if they had just said it has been very interesting but weird to do but I think I am making it work the best that I can and am starting to enjoy it!


  1. It is different when teaching a lesson virtually because we have to use materials that we have at home. You were creative enough to use manipulatives such as sweet tarts and jellybeans for your math lesson. Manipulatives such as these have the additional advantage of engaging students and increasing both interest in and enjoyment of mathematics. I noticed you said that it was challenging going back and forth when sharing the screen in zoom because I too had technical issues in my lesson. My internet lately hasn’t been the best. If you think about it, the whole world is using the internet during this epidemic crisis.

  2. In Response to Kiley,

    I really enjoyed watching your virtual lesson this week. One of my favorite parts was the fact that you used jellybeans and sweet tarts to help students visualize the concept that you were teaching. Graphing is still one of my strong suits, because our teacher allowed us to use physical objects, similar what you did in your lessons.

    Thanks for Sharing,
    Caitlin Miller
