Sunday, February 9, 2020

Day 2: positive behavior

Kiley Rolder 
February 9th, 2020
This week the students didn't have their normal daily schedule. They are putting on a performance for black history month with the whole school. During certain parts of the day they had to practice. Some students have a hard time sitting through long periods of time or listening to someone else who isn't their teacher. My CT really emphasized positive behavior this week. Around the room there are constant reminders of how to act positively and she is always showing them ways to ask for things,  how to not shout out, etc. I think something I need to work in is learning ways to reinforce positive behaviors. I attached a picture of one of the many signs my CT has in her room. The CT lets the children know it's okay to make mistakes and it's okay to fail but you should never give up and always try your best no matter what. Seeing how the students acted during the whole group rehearsal was nice to see compared to the other class because the students from my class were so well behaved showing how much they listen and respect my CT. They know the rules and what is expected of them which is something every teacher should have down. Classroom management is a huge thing to have and I think my CT does a great job of that. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kiley! It is so hard to enforce positive behavior. Most teachers these days just jump to the negative. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. We all really should start to use positive behavior because rather than tell them what they’re not supposed to be doing, we state the students expectations. It’s definitely a hard transition to make, but I think that we all can do it with a little bit of grunt work and persistence, we will be able to!
