Thursday, February 27, 2020

Day 4: Teaching WG Literacy

Rachel Sebastian
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Today I taught my whole group literacy lesson from 10am to 10:30 am. Overall, I thought it went ok but it could of definitely went better. I taught sequencing about a book we read together as a class. One of the most challenging aspects about this was I am still learning about classroom management and I am trying to figure out my CT's classroom management. I learned that it is very hard to have my own classroom management when I came in the middle of the school year and the students are used to what their teacher is doing. This connected directly to what I learned in my Psychology class. I learned it is important to be authoritative right away and show the students where you stand. Now I know when I am in my own classroom, I will make sure to have great classroom management and I will also make sure my students know what is expected of them starting off day one of school. I think this will still be difficult for me because as a new teacher having great classroom management is a hard thing to do. But, I know over time I will become an expert at it and I just have to keep researching about it.

1 comment:

  1. Classroom management is so tough, Rachel. It's good to put your foot down and teach the students that you will not let them get away with behaviors because otherwise, when you teach, the will not respect you or listen to you. I'm glad your lesson went well!
