Saturday, February 15, 2020

Half Day!

The school had half a day this week and it went by fast. Majority of the day the students were rehearsing for their upcoming event which is Tuesday the 18th. My CT did Spelling and Math that day and I heard of Rocket math before but I got to experience it for the first time. Students were paired up and practiced their math. Students are at different levels but most are in the letter “G" or "L.” The goal is for the students to get most of the problems right in two minutes. I was impressed with how well the students did that in two minutes. After their Rocket math, my CT continued working with math by having a fun Valentine’s worksheet. While the students did their fun worksheet, I graded their Rocket math folders. I learned who is above and below the level in math. I learned more about my students by grading their work and who I can help next time.

1 comment:

  1. My students were in rehearsal for most of their day as well. It was a different kind of day for sure! Rocket math is very fast and its nice to see the kids follow a system and know exactly what is expected of them. I am glad you were able to learn the different levels that each student is at so when working with the students you can know their target areas!

    Thank you,
    Allison Kraft
