Sunday, February 23, 2020

week 4

Kiley Rolder
February 23rd, 2020

This week I experienced STEAM with my class for the first time. Since the schedule has been all over the place the STEAM teacher was saying how she hasn't had many opportunities with my class because of the many things that have been going on this month. In the STEAM room the topic they are talking about is ocean animals. On the ceiling she had plastic wrap hung with different things that could end up in the ocean such as news papers, water bottles, wrappers, etc. Around the room she has different sea animals and materials for the children to work with. This week they were working on the word buoyancy. They did an activity where they had to draw out a type object that would float in water then they had to use materials to make that object and test it out in the water. It was awesome to see the children use trial and error to figure out why theirs weren't floating and what they could change to make it float. Once the students created something that could float we would ask them to try to add materials and test it again to see how durable their creation was and what they could add until it didn't float anymore. The students enjoyed the independence and freedom they had to use their creative side to make whatever they wanted. 

1 comment:

  1. I think STEAM is a subject that every kid should experience. I have not yet been able to observe a STEAM class. That was a great activity the students were working on and a great way for students to have hands-on learning and interactive with the subject.
