Thursday, February 27, 2020

Day 5 and 6: Lesson Plan

  • By: Nadine Hamideh
  • Thursday February 27, 2020

Day 5

Today, I came in for field experience on a Wednesday to make up for Tuesday the students were on a field trip, and the students had a different class schedule, so I was able to see the students go into computer class and music which was great. Today, I also taught a whole group lesson that my CT told me I could do to get more practice before teaching my literacy whole group lesson on Thursday. I came up with a literacy based lesson, in which I read the book The Rainbow Fish to the students and asked them questions before, during and after. After the book reading I called on students to sequence the story with me, using the sequencing cards I brought. I allowed the students to pair up with a buddy in this activity. The students seemed to really enjoy the activity and were very engaged. However, due to allowing students to pick their partners, some students ended up being alone and some with three in a group. So, it wasn’t the best idea on my part and I was able to learn from it which was great. My CT informed me of things that she noticed to help me prepare, she told me that my tone and expression all throughout was great, she also told me that she noticed me give positive affirmations to those on task. She said positive affirmations are great because they show an example for other students to follow, so for example, if I said “I love how student B is reading the sequencing card to understand what comes next”, it would make other students want to follow, it’s sort of like leading by example. My CT then explained to me in regards to the partners, its best to always create pre-mediated groups, so that all students will be on task and no one will be left out.  I was extremely grateful for this experience and to me it was one that I can learn from.

Day 6

Today, I presented my literacy lesson plan to the students. My lesson plan was about comparing and contrasting the two books that they have been reviewing being Hunter’s Money Jar, and The Winners’ Choice. I started it off by reviewing what it means to compare and contrast, this was very helpful for the students because it activated their prior knowledge. I also used concrete material being two different colored and sized stacking cups, to allow students to distinguish the similarities and differences between the two. I then re-read specific pages from each book to the students and asked them questions before, during and after the book readings. All students seemed very engaged during the reading and many students were participating and answering questions all throughout. It then came time for the smartboard, and all the students were very excited about participating in the smartboard. One thing I tried to do was to be able to call on different students, so that all students were able to get called on. Lastly, for my independent practice the students were to write 3 sentences about comparing and contrasting the two stories, 1 similarity and 2 differences. I put key words up on the board as well, such as same, similar and different to help assist students as they write out their sentences. After that, I came around and gave them all art materials to decorate and then put on a big box, which we named the story box of thoughts, throughout this activity all students were engaged and had lots of fun when it came down to decorating and getting their paper on the box. Overall, I thought the lesson plan went well and accordingly. After my lesson the students, then practiced spelling their spelling words using play dough and then had their spelling test and went to choir and then lunch. My CT also informed me that due to school being off, tomorrow they were going to have a fun friday, so towards the end of the day the movie Descendants 3 was played for the students, and I just completed some paper work with my CT. 

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