Sunday, February 16, 2020

Half day- procedures

This week the students had a half day and they spent most of their time in rehearsal for their black history performance. The kids were out of the room for the most part so it was a different kind of day. I was able to speak with my CT about future lesson plans and get an idea of some topics that I can use for my upcoming math lesson but it was difficult for us to plan out the lesson plans that were further out as the school still needs to pick standards for their 4th quarter. The students didn't do much learning for the day because in total they were only in the room for about an hour. We did try to do some writing but it mostly consisted on the brain storming process of what the big idea was and what students were going to write on their concept webs. We talked a lot about behavior as there was a sub the day prior and the students apparently they misbehaved pretty bad so that was the focal point of their writing and our classroom discussion. My CT reviewed their procedures for the room and I was able to learn the system they have in place for when they need something as a peace sign means they need a pencil. As the students were working through their writing the classroom was turned into a red zone meaning the students were unable to speak. This is when I was able to learn more about their procedures and memorize what they mean. The students know this system pretty well so that way the student and the teacher do not even have to speak, they can just communicate through symbols. I liked this system they had set up and I think it eliminates distraction for everyone in the room. Attached below is a picture of these procedures posted in the front of the room in order to remind students of how to ask for certain things.

 Image preview

1 comment:

  1. Its nice that your students follow procedures such as a red zone. It gives they a very clear and defined way of understanding when it is appropriate to talk to one another. I wish my CT had something like that. She uses the finger rules, but otherwise, I feel as if she could use some other tactics to keep her unruly bunch in line because her usual tactics are not working.
