Thursday, February 20, 2020

Day 4: Text Features

Rachel Sebastian
Thursday, February 20,2020

Today was my first day being able to observe my CT for the whole day. Last week my CT asked if I wanted to teach a lesson on text features, and I was excited to get the opportunity to teach a lesson before my actual lesson. I came up with a game for the students called “Roll a Text Feature.” When I was teaching the lesson, I gathered the students on the carpet and explained the game and demonstrated how they were going to play. I split the class up into groups and I handed out their game boards, scholastic magazines, and dice. They students would take turns rolling the dice and whatever number they landed on they would look at their game board and see what text feature they needed to find in the magazine. One of the most challenging aspects of this was a lot of the students were still unfamiliar with text features because the topic was still new. Now I know when I am in my own classroom or for next time, I will show examples of the text features before the students play the game. This way they can refresh their memory and have a review before jumping right into the lesson. I think this will still be difficult for me because I am just getting in the swing of things of what the students are learning and where they are at in a lot of their topics. But, I received great feedback from my CT and I was able to reflect on myself after I taught the lesson. This will help me become a better teacher and learn from my mistakes. 

1 comment:

  1. This is my first time learning about this games but I definitely would want to play this with my classroom. How exciting that your CT had you teach a lesson. The more practice and experience we have in these classrooms, the more we learn and reflect on what we did great and what we need more improvement on. I strongly believe that being in a hands-on classroom does help us to become better teachers. Great post Rachel!
